Los Angeles, CA 91394
of our
jukeboxes have been professionally reconditioned
and come with a full one year parts warranty,
excluding transportation.
We ship worldwide.
1949 Seeburg
78 - RPM
Model "A"
100 Selections
Call us today for more
of all this is, hands down, the best sounding 78 rpm jukebox ever
made. It had been in development for nearly 8 years. Star
Title Strip Company of Pittsburgh had already begun printing the new
double strips for the "A" by 1947. Needless to say
this is the jukebox that revolutionized the industry.
my take on this jukebox and the record industry and you can correct me
if I'm wrong. Before the 1920's phonograph records were
engineered to sound good on a crank up Victrola. Remember there
were no radio stations until the1920's.
by the mid 1920's just about all of America could hear music on a
radio. Yet no matter how good a 78 rpm record sounded in the
control booth of a radio station, it still was going to be heard thru
either a tiny speaker in a table radio or a large 15 - inch full range
one in a floor model.
Paul Galvin introduced in 1930 Motorola radios for cars. Now the
recording engineer was up against the dilemma of trying to make tunes
sound good coming from small and large home radios and those tiny
little oval speakers in dashboards.
Americans invented jukeboxes at the turn of the 20th
century, their sound systems were quite primitive until into the
1930s. But by the 1940's jukes were becoming a powerful force
for demonstrating new music to the public.
with a limited array of artists on a handful of labels, the public's
appetite became insatiable. Jukeboxes were showing up at bars,
lounges, restaurants, U.S.O. halls and even drug stores.
didn't take long for record companies to realize the marketing
possibilities of "jukes". Where better to hear your
favorite new artist's newest hit but on a jukebox.
the public had to do is hear a tune sound great on a jukebox for them
to go out and buy the record. It didn't matter what it sounded
like after they bought it. The sale was done and the jukebox did
improved jukebox amplifiers and cartridges, recording engineers worked
hand in hand with the industry leaders in developing records that
sounded good on jukes.
the beginning, jukes were made large so a customer walking into an
establishment would spot it immediately. The big
cabinets made for excellent acoustic devises or speaker
record companies could engineer records with a standard in mind.
That of sounding good coming out of a 15 - inch jukebox speaker. The
jukebox became their best salesmen.
continue with my theory, it just stands to reason that this marriage
of recording engineers and jukebox manufacturers would be at it's
peak, at least for 78 rpm, in the years before and just after 45 rpm
came along in 1949. Thus I believe tunes produced between 1940
and 1959 were intended to sound their best emitted from a jukebox.
records of the 60s and Phil Spector's "Wall of Sound"
recordings were intended to sound their best in mono car radios.)
hear the original 78 - rpm RCA version of Elvis Presley's monster 1956
hit "Don't Be Cruel" or even Glen Miller's "In the
Mood" on a Seeburg "A" can be breath taking.
You'd be blown away by the fullness of sound coming from the little
black Pickering cartridge through a 16 watt push-pull tube type
amplifier out a 15-inch full range speaker inside a massive wooden
cabinet. All the components were "tuned" with each
how '40's
big band and early rock and roll was meant to sound. It's
absolutely amazing and no other means of reproduction comes any where
near matching it. As far as I'm concerned, the
"M-100A" is the best sounding 78 rpm jukebox in the world.
a side note: Seeburg took essentially the same amp, cartridge
and 15 - inch speaker and installed it in the worlds first 45 rpm
jukebox, the M-100 B in 1951. Although the only difference was
the speed of the record and the size of the cabinet, the "B"
only sounds half as good as the "A".
the faster the record spins, the better it sounds. So L.P.
versions of early Rock and Roll at 33 1/3 - rpm leave a lot to be
desired compared to a 78 rpm juke. "Rock Around the
Clock" was produced before "HI-FI" came along. By
the way I'm a radio engineer with a "First-Class" ticket,
the highest broadcast license the FCC issues.
another side story: Shortly after starting JUKEBOXES UNLIMITED
® in Phoenix AZ, a guy calls me and asks if I buy 78 - rpm jukes.
He had 25 "A"s in a shed behind his hair salon in Mesa (a
city outside Phoenix). He wanted to jump on the bandwagon of
making tons of coins from jukeboxes, so he invested in 25 brand new
"A"s at the end of 1948.
placed the first one in a little Italian restaurant on 7th
street near downtown Phoenix called the Blue Grotto.
By 1951 the Seeburg "B" model playing the new 45 rpm records
came along and made his "A"s obsolete.
never placed another one on location again. So in 1971 I bought
them all including the one from the Blue Grotto for $25 each. I
should be shot, huh?
We’d like to show you all the technical specifications of this unit,
but we find when we post them, they’re copied by unscrupulous folks
for use on their own site or ad. A lot of this information isn’t
necessarily readily available to the general public or even folks in
the industry. Its knowledge I’ve garnered through years in the
business. So what they do is called plagiarism.
So if you see, on another site, the same wording as I’ve used to
tell you about the jukebox above, that person is a thief and
maybe you should think twice about dealing with someone who steals.
This is a
professionally rebuilt/restored 1949 Seeburg MONO jukebox model
"M100A" with SN: (pending) JUKEBOXES UNLIMITED ®/Los
Angeles. This
jukebox comes with a full one year parts warranty, excluding
transportation. This jukebox is not perfect and may have blemishes and
cosmetic distractions not visible in the accompanying photos.
ship worldwide and to insure proper care we crate the jukeboxes
ourselves. Call us with your shipping address and we'll get you
a competitive shipping/insurance quote (prices vary according to value
and destination), unless you'd like to pick it up or have us deliver
it in the Southern California area.
experience in servicing jukeboxes bought elsewhere through the
Internet is that many sustain some kind of damage in transport.
When you buy a jukebox from us we make sure the components inside are
properly secured. In some cases we can send you detailed photos
and instructions on how to unpack the unit and get it up and running.
"We only sell quality
reconditioned jukeboxes that we'll be happy to service in the future.
This we've done since 1971."
If you're interested in this or any
of our other jukeboxes call us at:
1-818-366-9400, 10AM-6PM P.S.T. Mon.-Sat. or e-mail us: [email protected].
For jukebox rental information in the Los Angeles area visit Jukeboxes
For Rent ®.