Established 1971
Los Angeles,
CA 91394
jukeboxes have been professionally rebuilt/restored
and include a full one year parts warranty.
We ship worldwide.
Year Confusion

1940's or 1950's?
model "1015" jukebox, affectionately called
"Bubblers", were originally made by Wurlitzer only in 1946
and 1947 but never in the fifties.
Through the years,
most jukeboxes were owned and operated by "jukebox
operators" not by the establishments they were in. When a
new model jukebox came out the "operator" would put it in
his most money making "location". In
many cases these were 24 hour truck stops out on the highway where the
jukebox never quit playing 24/7/365. They might also go into 'road
houses' which were also out on the highways of America.
Then the machine that was "pulled
out" of the truck stop was switched with one in the second best
money making location. This switching of jukes down to the next
location was a normal routine with most operators.
When one thinks of
a jukebox in a soda fountain at the downtown drugstore it would
definitely not be the current model. In fact it would most likely be
about 10 years old if not older. The
reason is that the only time the Walgreen's or Rexall juke was played
was for an hour or so after school when the kids were waiting for the
bus. Thus it was at the bottom of the money making rung.
it makes sense, even for folks who grew up in that time period, to
think that a “bubbler” looking juke was from the fifties.
Much like
automobiles, jukebox manufacturers attempted to beat their competitors
by introducing the next model year the last few months of the
preceding year. See this example from FORD for the 2010 Ford
Taurus in June of 2009. So a jukebox that was developed during
one year might be introduced in the middle of the next year for the
following year.

an interesting side note:
Now if you wonder
what happened to the juke that got pulled out of the last location, in
many cases it was literally destroyed. Why? Because the
operator didn't want some "up-start punk" to get a hold of
it, clean it up and set it in a location to compete with him.
In fact Wurlitzer had an ingenious
program where, if you traded in your old jukebox for a new one, they
would destroy your old one for you. Nice way to get old product
out of circulation, huh? That's done today by many products
being made of plastic and breaking themselves.
Year Is My Seeburg Jukebox?